We are constantly endeavouring to offer modern payment options for your easy and convenient shopping. Below is a list of the payment methods currently available:


This is the simplest way to order. There is no more detailed data check for creditworthiness. You make your payment in advance following your order. We will dispatch your order once payment has been received. Please be sure to state your customer number, order number or order number when making the transfer so that we can quickly allocate your payment. We will enclose the invoice with your order. Delivery of goods takes the longest with this form of payment. We do not charge any additional processing fees for this form of payment.

Sofortüberweisung, Giropay, iDeal, Bancontact, etc.

Sofortüberweisung logo

Payment methods such as Sofortüberweisung, Giropay, iDeal, Bancontact, etc. work like normal online transfers with your bank. You can complete the payment process for an online purchase directly via your personal online account.

Immediately after you have Button "Order with costs" the transfer process is started and the transfer screen is loaded. In an already pre-filled transfer form (merchant bank details, transfer amount, order number as intended purpose), all you have to do is enter your bank sort code, account number and name and then confirm the transaction as usual with your PIN and TAN.

Credit card


VISA, Mastercard and American Express. You can conveniently shop with us using these credit cards. We use the financial service provider Stripe to process your credit card payment.

Amazon Pay

Amazon Pay logo

Amazon is highly valued by many people because it is simply "easy". And we have now integrated this simple shopping as a payment system in the shop with a simple login. Just log in and all the information for the invoice, dispatch and payment will be processed via your Amazon account.

Purchase on account

Klarna logo

In cooperation with the Klarna financial services provider, we offer customers in Austria, Germany and the Netherlands the Purchase on account as a payment option. The payment period for Klarna invoice 14 days from invoice date. The The invoice is issued when the goods are dispatched and sent directly by Klarna by e-mail. Only the delivery note is enclosed with the parcel sent.

Please note that the payment method "purchase on account" can only be AFTER SELECTION OF THE COUNTRY is displayed on the cash register. Furthermore, the Billing address and delivery address must be identical and your private residence. Orders for companies and PO box addresses are not possible with purchase on account.

Payment is made to Klarna. Please note that Klarna invoice is only available for consumers. Further information and Klarna's full terms and conditions for purchase on account can be found at HERE for customers from Austria resp. HERE for customers from Germany.

Purchase with instalment payment. This form of payment is currently available exclusively for customers from Germany and is also processed via Klarna. Your purchase is identical to the purchase on account, the dispatch takes place immediately after approval by Klarna. The amount of the instalment payment and conditions will be displayed before the purchase.

The maximum purchase limit is € 1,500.00. If Klarna rejects the "purchase on account" (amount over € 1,500.00 or insufficient creditworthiness), please choose another form of payment. We cannot give you any information about the rejection, as Klarna does not inform us about the reason. For further information please contact Klarna directly.

Apple Pay & Google Pay

Apple Pay logoApple Pay and Google Pay are the latest payment methods that we activated in April 2019 as the simplest ordering method for our customers. With this modern technology, Apple and Google enable the simplest shopping experience with a fingerprint. Simply select the desired product or add it to the shopping basket and then click on the Apple Pay or Google Pay button. The entire address and price overview is loaded automatically, all that remains is to confirm the purchase using the fingerprint. And you're done.

Subject to printing and typesetting errors. Status: 02.02.2022