HIKMICRO Nachtsicht & Wärmebild Zielfernrohre | Übersicht aller Zieloptiken

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Nachtsicht Zielfernrohre | Überlegungen für die Anschaffung der passenden Technologie

Choosing the right thermal imaging target device

Wärmebild Zielgeräte wie die von HIKMICRO are nowadays high-end precision devices of the latest design

They comprehensively fulfil the Needs of hunters and marksmenwhich place the highest demands on the performance of the target devices.

Dual-use devices:
These are used both for the Use by hand and as an attachment für eine Tageszieloptik auf einer Waffe geeignet. Sie werden beim Einsatz als Attachments mit Hilfe eines Klemmadapters an einer Zieloptik – üblicherweise am Objektiv – befestigt. Klemmadapter werden sowohl von Anbietern von Wärmebildoptiken selbst als auch von diversen Herstellern angeboten. Nachteil: Klemmlösungen können zu Zielfehlern und so zu nicht beabsichtigtem Tierleid führen.

Thermal imaging target optics / night vision target optics:
These high-end devices are known as Independent aiming optics on the weapon are extremely precise and have their own internal reticle with many adjustment options.

The essential elements of a thermal imaging optic include

1. the Objective lens (the size determines the amount of heat radiation, which enters the WB device and thus reaches the heat sensor)

2. the thermal image sensor / detector (determines the resolution via its temperature sensitivity, good formats are 640 x 480 pixels). Important here is the performance of less than 35 mk NETD sensitivity (thermal sensitivity of the sensor - the smaller, the better).

3. the quality of the OLED screen (affects the image display) - 1024×768 is a good standard today.

Thermal imaging optics / night vision optics are even classified as prohibited articles in various countries! Even possession is prohibited and punishable by law. Please observe the applicable legal situation in your country.

Whether a WB optic is sufficiently bulletproof is one of the most important criteria in the selection process - especially for powerful calibres.

When firing, considerable forces act on the WB riflescope. Riflescopes are described as bulletproofif they can withstand these forces without any changes to the housing, the mechanics or the reticle.

The high standard of good thermal imaging optics means that the Shot resistance of target optics guaranteed.

Just like this Just as important as the bullet resistance of WB riflescopes is the bullet resistance of mounts.